Fr. John Catoir
. . . Messenger of Joy
Memories of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
In the 1960's, Fr. Catoir had the privilege of being on the "Interracial
Council" for the Diocese of Patterson, New Jersey. In that role, he went
with area priests to Selma, Alabama, in 1965, to walk with Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. in support of his efforts towards Civil Rights. The impact
King made on the world that day was tremendous. His speach, "I Have a
Dream," is remembered today by world leaders and children alike and
still stirs passion in those who continue his work to bring equality and
justice to the voiceless everywhere.
50th Anniversary of the
year of his assassination
in 1968.
Such a sad day for our
country. A great leader.
A man of conviction who's
peaceful, gentle manner
brought many to a new way
of understanding and a
new way of thinking.
During those days, Fr.
Catoir served on the
interracial council for his
Diocese and learned to
utilize the spoken and
written word to change
hearts and minds -- from
watching Dr. King lead